We have learnt a range of skills with the technologies that we had available, but with the camera we used a Panasonic NVGS500 and with this we could use varied settings on the camera to get different effects. We used the white balance for one part of our video to create a bleached out look. With these cameras you could also do the auto and manual focus and that allowed us to get sharper focus to suite our needs for some of our shots in our media product. We also had to make sure the aspect ratio was the same the whole way through so that all the shots were wide screen and that it did not change because we had to keep the continuity. This camera with its settings allowed us to manipulate the images and get full potential for creativity from the camera.

When we had to edit the footage we got we used adobe premiere pro and that allowed even further creativity as we could add text, audio and picture transactions, separate audio from the
video, separate editing and adding a title that was created to suite our media product. We also experimented with particle illusion and that allowed us to be creative and get ideas on what type of social effects that we may use in our media product. Photo shop was also needed to create the snipe scope effect that we were using in our media product and we then layered that over the video to show the effect of the sniper scope aiming.

With the Internet i used Blogger and with this you can change your blog with the background and also gadgets that help you navigate around my blog. I also was exploring the potential you can get with your blog and i put fishes that you can feed at the side of my blog just to add a bit of colour and movement to a plain blog. We also used YouTube to help us research title sequences
and reference them on our blog. There was also freeplaymusic.com were we could find music for our media product that was not copyrighted. We also got sound effects from flashkit.com and that helped us find a suitable phone ring to add to our media product, we also were trying to find a gunshot noise to put at the start of our media product when the titles appear but we didn't in the end because as a group we decided that the noises would clutter our work.