Monday, 14 December 2009

14/01/10 In what way does your media product use, develeop or challage forms and conventions of real media products?

Our media product challenges forms from other media products by what people expect from a movie opening, as we have researched title sequences and found a common similarities such as there is a title, main actors, director, producer, production company, distribution company, music, effective mise en scene, introduction to main storyline and possibly some text on screen. We researched the title sequence of "James Bond" and exploited it as much as possible with such ideas like the movement of the barrel around the screen. The research that we found helped us make our title sequence as instead on having a barrel move around screen like in "James Bond" we have a red sniper scope move around the screen as if it was trying to find something or scope something out. We also have used some interior and exterior shots that have been developed from other media products that we have researched such as the exterior shot in the film "Shooter" and they way that we exploited that research was we set up our hit man shot similar to the shot that is in the film shooter.